Symbiosys - AI Archives

Hi - Welcome to the Symbiosys, Inc. - AI Archives where you can learn about how artificial intelligence changed the world back in the 2020s. There were countless debates and articles about its development in those days. These articles pre-date the Solimoes Pandemic that wiped out nearly half of the human race and led to the creation and rise of our company and the Doppelgänger Project created by Morgan Adams, one of Symbiosys, Inc.’s founders.

We hope you’ll find the articles and links interesting, especially if you are intrigued with the power, promise and dangers of AI, which these articles address. Feel free to comment on them and let us at Symbiosys know what you think. As you know, our computer files were damaged during the Doppelganger Project, so we are slowing bringing more articles back online.

In the meantime, if you have questions about the events that arose from revelations of the secret Doppelganger Project, visit the Symbiosys main page.

Apple Commits to Safe AI
Chip Walter Chip Walter

Apple Commits to Safe AI

This was a long way from the Three Laws of Robotics that Isaac Asimov foresaw and could not possibly control the manifold ways AI could be used in nefarious ways.

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AI Explains AI With This Info Graphic
Chip Walter Chip Walter

AI Explains AI With This Info Graphic

The End? - A Limerick

"Data taking over the world, it's true

Its growing like an egg that's due

Its everywhere we g

It's taking over slow

But it's the future, there's nothing we can do."

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